

English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "apurtenance" в других словарях:

  • appurtenance — ap·pur·te·nance /ə pərt ən əns/ n [Anglo French apurtenance, alteration of Old French apartenance, from apartenant appurtenant]: property (as an outbuilding or fixture) or a property right (as a right of way) that is incidental to a principal… …   Law dictionary

  • appurtenance — (n.) c.1300, right, privilege or possession subsidiary to a principal one, from Anglo Fr. apurtenance (12c.), O.Fr. apartenance, prp. of apartenir be related to, from L. appertinere to pertain to, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + pertinere belong… …   Etymology dictionary

  • appurtenance — /əˈpɜtənəns / (say uh pertuhnuhns) noun 1. something accessory to another and more important thing; an adjunct. 2. Law a right, privilege, or improvement belonging to and passing with a principal property. 3. (plural) apparatus; mechanism.… …  

  • appurtenance — [ə pʉrt′ n əns] n. [ME < Anglo Fr apurtenance < OFr apertenance < prp. of LL appertinere, APPERTAIN] 1. anything that appertains; thing added to a more important thing; adjunct 2. [pl.] apparatus or equipment; accessories 3. an… …   English World dictionary

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